Monday, December 21, 2009

The Pennington Christmas Party

Rick's parents hosted their mostly annual Christmas party for family and friends this past weekend. We enjoy getting to see and catch up with most of the family that we don't get to see during the year.

The kids were almost ready when I realized they all matched. That was such a fluke. I looked for holiday colors in each of their drawers and somehow they all turned out in red and black.

We even managed a family photo with every smiling.

Everhett played Santa's for the second year in a row. He even liked it this time. The girls Abby, Amy, & Bailey even made it into the Santa parade this year.

All of Rick's siblings made the party. We were able to get a group photo of them for the 2nd year in a row as well. We'll have to make this a tradition!

Mom & Bill's Reception

Mom & Bill standing in their Juliet balcony at the old Lawrenceville courthouse. It was a very nice event. Mom sure knows how to throw a party!

The kiddo's were all dolled up. Alyssa wore a dress of Ashleigh's from when she was her age. Brian even recognized it.

Putting up the tree!

The tree went up the day after Thanksgiving. I like to maximize the time the decorations are up to space out all that work! ha!

Alyssa got the ornaments started while we waited for everyone to join us.

The boys enjoy loading the tree up with decor. They each have several ornaments of their own. Some from crafts projects in school and others from gifts.

When Alyssa gets quiet, you know she is up to something. The sneaky lil thing pulled a candy cane off the tree and tried to hide to eat it. Her arms reach much higher than I thought!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mom tied the knot!

The pictures turned out beautiful!

Wish we could have been Jamaica!

Congrats Mom!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Fall is definitely here. We kicked the season off with a visit to a pumpkin patch. Alyssa enjoyed walking around trying to figure the pumpkins out with me continuously saying 'smile'. She didn't seem to understand why I kept doing that, but I finally got one!

The boys' fall sports are coming to an end. Bryce & Spencer played baseball and Everhett played Soccer. They will most likely play the same sports again in the spring. They enjoy their sports! But we are looking forward to the down time during the lil break in between.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Rick and his famous annual pumpkin carving. We have one every year for the trick or treaters. He's so proud!

The boys enjoyed 'creating' their costumes this year. I think Rick had the most fun adding to their look. With the cut up old black sheet and netting to make the 'Ghouls' appear actual, they had a blast showing off their costumes. Alyssa was just trying to take it all in. The boys had to show her themselves as they put their masks on to help prevent her from getting scared. After seeing them a few times, she had fun with them.

Alyssa was a cute lil lady bug! She did very well with keeping her hood on as well.

Halloween is always an enjoyable time each year. We eat too much candy, but it starts the holiday season off just right!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mom is getting married!

Mom & Bill are getting married on Nov 28 in Jamaica! It took them 7 years to decide! CONGRATS MOM! They are having a reception at the old Lawrenceville Courthouse on Dec 6 @ 2p.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First pigtails!

Alyssa's first time in pigtails. She wore them to school (daycare) and of course had them out by noon.


We're hosting Thanksgiving!
Let me know if you'd like to join us.

We've made it!

We're finally in the blog world! Now to get photo's and such uploaded.