Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Alyssa turns 3!

Alyssa had a minnie mouse themed birthday. She kept changing her mind between Minnie, Tinker Bell, and Dora. So, off to Walmart we went to get decor, so the decision was made...Minnie! I usually make the kids birthday cakes, but haven't done themed ones for the boys in a long time so I googled minne cake images and came across something similar to this. I was very happy with the way it turned out. Minnie's head is rice crispy treat shaped into balls and covered in dark chocolate. The white dots on the cake (minnie dress) are mini marshmellows cut in half. It turned out very yummy!
The moonwalk was a huge hit, as always. The kids loved it. Alyssa is big enough to get in it by herself now, so she kept herself busy playing in the backyard between the moonwalk, trampoline, and swingset. She had such a fun day.

Happy Birthday sweetie!


The kids always love Easter festivities. They get to munch on candy all day from start with Easter baskets at their bedside to end being stuffed with lots of great food at MeMe's. They had fun with their egg hunts and lots of goodies. I have to take my quick shot at a group photo before loading up the car since I know I probably won't get the opportunity again. After all that sugar/candy, they don't sit still very well. ha!